Right now, everyone seems to be a bit anxious and stressed out.  Things are happening in the news, which causes a heightened awareness of the pressures in our daily lives.  As a Witch, there are magickal powers available to you to help you combat the anxiety and negative energies affecting you.

The negative energy lurks all around making it difficult to not be stressed. You want to find at least one small thing to help you block out the anxiety-producing energies while promoting positive ones that allow you to relax.

11 Ways to Combat the Stress in Your Life Like a Witch!

  • Ground—find a quiet moment and ground and center yourself
  • Spend time at your altar—say a spell for peace and calm
  • Take a ritual bath—use lots of candles and soft music and envision the water washing away your cares
  • Place wards around your home—use protection crystals in the corners of your home and wash your front and back door with salted water
  • Perform protection spell spheres—call on the Four Elements and create a sphere of protection around your home and loved ones

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  • Cleanse your space of negative energy—light some sage and walk through your house, letting the smoke reach into any places where bad vibes can hang out.
  • Carry protection crystals—black tourmaline and hematite are two good ones
  • Surround yourself with calming crystals—rose quartz, amethyst, and blue lace agate will help keep anxiety at bay
  • Light candles—symbolic of light in the darkness, choose ones that are purple to promote peace and calm
  • Drink coffee for relaxation and tea for peace–stir your drink while holding the intention of finding relief from stress in your mind
  • Use lavender essential oil in your diffuser—it promotes a sense of calm

A Little Magickal Help

There are lots of ways to help you utilize magick to calm daily stresses.  Hopefully, this list will help you find some ideas to help alleviate your anxieties and block the negative energies of life with a little magickal help.

How do you use magick to help you combat anxiety in your life?  I would love to hear some of your ideas.

Until we meet again,


*This post is not intended to be medical advice.  If you require professional help, please seek it immediately