The moon holds a very dear spot in every Witch’s heart.  She acts as a guide and a protector.  The Lady reminds us of the ebb and flow of life in her monthly movements, reminding us to face all that life gives us with grace.

You do not have to be directly under the moon’s light when using her magickal powers.  Sometimes there are dark clouds between you and her, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t there.  Not all of us have the luxury of a backyard or garden we can use for moon magick.  A window to see her by will do. 

You can do a lot of things with moonlight magick.  Here are 13 to try for yourself.

  1. Charge new magickal instruments
  2. Charge moon water (Oh, so many uses! If you are going to drink the water, be sure to cover it so the bugs won’t take a swim.)
  3. Dance!
  4. Recharge your crystals
  5. Bathe yourself in the moon’s light.  Stand under The Great Lady, spread your arms wide, and drink in the magick, beauty, and wonder.  There is nothing like it to re-charge your magickal powers!
  6. Charge candles
  7. Re-charge your Book of Shadows.  Open it to a page that has great significance to you and let it drink in the moonlight for the night.
  8. Cleanse your magickal instruments of old energy
  9. Say a spell.  A full moon is a good time for spells for healing, protection, knowledge, romance, guidance, or prosperity
  10. A full moon represents harvest.  Think on things you have been working on over the last month and take a moment to enjoy the fruits of your labors.
  11. Re-charge your divination tools such as your Tarot cards, runes, or pendulums
  12. Meditate
  13. Take a full moon bath or shower

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The moon holds great magick.  It lights our nights and guides our path.  She is a lovely lady.  Take time at the next full moon to get to know her magickal powers a little more.

What do you do to celebrate a full moon?  I would love to hear from you!

Until we meet again,