Candle magic is one of the easiest yet powerful forms of magic.  It takes only a few simple steps to get the candle ready to help you send your intention out into the Universe or bring the Universe to you to help you out. 

Chime candles are small, inexpensive candles which can be purchased online or at almost any metaphysical magic shop.  They are 4” long and about as big around as your little finger.  If you cannot find a chime candle, a birthday candle will work.

Why use chime candles?

Chime candles burn down rather quickly and do not tend to leave much of themselves behind.  When you have a super busy life, these little candles make it easy to do powerful magic without taking a lot of time.  They last long enough for you to focus your magical energy, without requiring a lot of extra work.

Can you use other kinds of candles?

Of course!  Any candle will work as long as you

Step 1: Choose a color

Humans are very susceptible to mood changes through color.  It is well known that reds and oranges invoke passion, while blues and greens promote a calm and serene life.  To find out more about what colors to choose and why here is a link to another post to help you out: Colors for Candle Magic

Step 2: Cleanse your candle

You have no idea where that candle has been or the kind of energies it has picked up along the way.  There are simple ways to cleanse a candle. 

  • Pass it through sage, pinon, or whatever kind of smoke you have available
  • Set it out under the full moon overnight
  • Set it on a piece of selenite
  • Bury it in salt
  • Surround it with clear quartz
  • Say a simple spell—“With my magic, I cleanse this candle of all energies except my own” or something similar.  

It isn’t a bad idea to say that type of spell no matter which way you decide to cleanse it!

Step 3: Set your intention

Hold the candle in your hand and think about the magic intention you have.  If you haven’t said that cleansing spell, now is a good time to do it.  Be sure to verbalize what it is you want to accomplish.  The more specific you can be, the better the outcome.

Step 4: Anoint the Candle

Using a little oil (olive oil works great!) rub the candle while saying words such as

                With this candle, I focus my magical energy to…

  •  Bring prosperity to me
  •  Help me find a home
  •  Release my negative feelings

You could call upon your deities, the Elements, or the Universe to help you in your endeavors.  You could also end with the part of the Wiccan Rede, which says in effect, “…and it harm none, so let it be.”  I suggest rubbing the candle while speaking your intent at least three times.  Sometimes, you may want to chant it as you place the candle in the holder, light the candle, and set your spell in motion.

If you want to attract something to you, rub the oil toward you.

If you want to rid yourself of something like negative energy or send it out to someone else, rub the oil away from you.

Caution: Do not let the oil get on the wick!  It could cause it to burn faster than it should and create a fire hazard!

Step 5: Light the Candle and Let the Magic Begin

Place your candle in a chime candle holder, light the candle, and let the magic begin! 

Caution: Place the candle where it will be safe and be sure never to leave a candle unattended.

Amp Up the Magic!

There are a few things you can do to amp up the magic of your spell a little more.

  • Herbs and Essential Oils

When you are rubbing the candle, setting your intention, and saying your spell, you might also want to use some herbs.  Some quick herb correspondences are below, which you probably have in your pantry.

  •  Basil to attract money
  •  Cinnamon for protection
  •  Lavender for peace
  •  Peppermint for healing
  •  Rosemary to alleviate negative energy

There are a lot of herbs you can use, but remember that rosemary can be used as a substitute for any herb you need.  You can also sprinkle these herbs around your candle for a little more magical energy.

  • Crystals

To give your spell a little magic boost, you may want to surround your candle with crystals to increase its magic.  Some examples are:

  •  Clear quartz works for all types of spells
  •  Amethyst for peace
  •  Citrine promotes happiness
  •  Black tourmaline when you need protection
  •  Blue lace agate for remembering to focus on what matters most in your life
  •  Rose quartz can help with love
  •  Turquoise to release blockages

This list can fill books, and it has!  A few quick searches online or in your favorite crystal healing book will help you find a few to suit your needs.

  • Carve Sigils or Words

To ramp up the magic, it can help to carve a sigil or word to help you focus your intention into the candle.  You could create a sigil or look up one that represents your intent.  If you are not prone to artistic endeavors, a word will work! 

It isn’t complicated!  Promise!

Reading through these steps may seem a bit overwhelming and complicated, but I assure you that it is not.  Using chime candles for magic is quick and super simple.  The hardest part of all of this, if you are starting your adventure as a Witch, is looking up the colors, herbs, and crystals you may want to employ to help your magic on its way.  Don’t worry.  All of this will become second nature to you reasonably quick!

How do you plan on using your chime candles?  Do you have a particular spell in mind?  Do you already use them?  I would love to hear your ideas!

Until we meet again!