Pendulum divination has been around for a very long time.  It is simple to do and with surprisingly accurate results.  Should you try pendulum divination?  The swing of the fob says, “Yes!”


A pendulum does not have to be fancy to work.  It can be a crystal on a chain, a necklace with a charm, or even a needle on a thread.  All that you need is something from which you can suspend a weight, known as a fob.  You want a balanced weight at the end, so don’t use something that is tilted to one side when you hold the pendulum.

Getting Started

First, you want to charge your pendulum with your energy.  If you bought it at a store, you might first want to clear it of any residual energies it may carry.  You can pass it through smoke or leave it out under a full moon. 

Once you have cleansed your pendulum, hold it in your hands close to your heart.  Sit with it for a while until you feel it has imprinted upon you and your energies. 

Using the Pendulum

Every time you use a pendulum, begin by asking it a question which you know is true.  The easiest is to ask, “Is my name…?” and use your real name.  Pay attention to the direction the pendulum swings.  Does it go up and down? Side to side? Or maybe it begins to move in a circle either clockwise or counterclockwise. This direction is your “TRUE” or “YES” direction.

Now ask it something you know is false.  Again, the name question works well, except this time say something that you know is false.  Your pendulum should move in an opposite or different direction.  Pay attention because this is your “FALSE” or “NO” direction.

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Be aware that some people’s pendulums will swing wildly with no doubt as to its direction.  Others will find that the movements during their readings are small and subtle.  Either way is acceptable, just be sure you know the way it is going for you.

Time to Ask Your Question

Pendulums work best when you ask yes/no, or true/false questions.  You also only want to ask one or two queries at a sitting.  More than that, and you muddy the reading. 

Here is an example for house hunting:  After asking your beginning questions to verify your yes or no direction, you might ask something like, “Is the house we looked at today the house for me?”  If you get a “yes,” you may want to follow up with a question such as, “Should I put in an offer now?” 

Mixed Messages

One way you can get mixed answers from divination with a pendulum is to ask too much in one question.  Take the house offer, for example.  If you ask, “Should I put in an offer now, or wait?” the pendulum will not know which question to answer, and you may get mixed messages.  Be sure to stick with simple questions. 

Sometimes, There is Not an Answer

Sometimes, there is not an answer.  It could be that you did not ask a simple enough question.  It could be that it is not the right time to find the answer you seek.  It may be that the Universe is telling you to take a break and revisit the situation before you ask again, or it may be that you need more information before you ask again.

How Does It Work?

When you work with a pendulum, it amplifies the feelings you already have.  You already know the answer to your question deep in your heart.  A pendulum is simply a tool for helping you see what you already know.

Try One Out for Yourself

You tend to have something with you that will work for a pendulum or can craft one out of materials you have.  If you find yourself doing a lot of pendulum work, then you may want to invest in something a little more elaborate, or you may want to stick with what is working for you.  However, you may find that a necklace you have worn for years works the best.

How do you use a pendulum in your divination practice?  I would love to hear!

Until we meet again