I recently bought a new home.  It isn’t a Witch’s Cottage like the cute pictures on Instagram, but it comes pretty darn close.  Before moving in, I knew I needed to do a few things to ramp up the magick that already fills this place.

I am one of those people who have to “feel” a space to see if it is right for me.  On the house hunting process, several times, my husband and the realtor found me outside on the lawn waiting for them after only a few minutes in a house.  I am super sensitive to negative energy, so there were a few houses that were “no!” pretty quick.  Are any of you like that?

Once we found the house, it was time to cleanse it of any lingering bad energies and set my intention of the house becoming a magickal place for all who entered.  I knew there were a few things I felt needed to happen before we moved in.  Then after all our stuff was delivered and set up, I wanted to add a few more magickal touches.

First Things First

Once we were given the keys to the place, I showed up with crystals, sage, rosemary, moon water, and salt.  In the moon water, I added cinnamon for protection and chili pepper to strengthen the bonds of love.  The moon water acts as an amplifier for spells and blessings.

I stood for a moment in front of the house, grounded myself, and then said the following house blessing.

                House Blessing

                May this house be filled with magick and wonder. 

                May all who enter find peace and joy. 

                May we who live here thrive in mind, body, and soul. 

                Bless and protect all who enter here.

Cleansing, Blessing, and Protecting the House

I started at the front door before I even entered, dipped the rosemary in my spiced-up moon water, and wiped down the frame of the door and across the door handle.  The rosemary was from my old home, and I wanted something that represented the transition we were making.  I also sprinkled the threshold with salt for added protection.

I lit my sage and entered the space.  Working deosil or clockwise, I went to each room sweeping the sage through the areas, paying attention to corners.  I opened all the doors and windows as I went sprinkling salt at each opening.  I then wiped the other entrances with the rosemary and moon water speaking out loud my intentions I set to bless and charge the house with magick.

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I like working with the elements and the cardinal directions they represent.  I stood in the middle of the house and cast a circle of protection calling to each element and then placing a representative crystal in each direction.  I used clear quartz for Air in the East, tiger’s eye for Fire in the South, lapis lazuli in the West for Water, and jade for Earth in the North. 

Movers Can Be Rather Impatient!

If you have ever moved, you know that sometimes you are under a timer and have to get on with the moving and unpacking.  I could not do all I wanted to do before we moved in, so after everything was in the house and a little more settled, I set about finishing some of my magical intentions.

I Set Up My Altar

One of the first things I did after the dust had settled, I set up my altar.  I had picked the place out as we unpacked, so I knew where it was going to reside once I had the time to bless and consecrate the space and place my magickal items upon it.  It has a beautiful, charming feel about the area, and I look forward to many hours spent there in magickal work and meditation. 

Some of the other things I did to infuse the space with magick, protection, and love

  • Placed a red candle in my kitchen to symbolize the heart of the home
  • Hung a bell on the doors to clear any negative energy which may follow me from my day into my house.
  • Planted a rosemary bush by the front door
  • Represent the four cardinal directions in my backyard in the garden.  I used a bird feeder for Air, a birdbath for Water, for fire, I placed a solar lantern, and for Earth, I used a rock that I have moved with me from home to home.
  • Make new witch balls and spell jars of protection

The House is Now a Witch’s Home

My new home may not be the ultimate Instagram-worthy Witch’s cottage, but I think after doing the things I did as I moved in, it comes pretty close.  When I walk into the house, I feel all the positive, protecting energies and the magick of the place surrounding me.  It feels like home, and I think the things I did to raise the magick of the house made all the difference.

What things have you done or do at your home to bless it and make it more magickal?  I would love to hear from you!

Until we meet again,