I am CJ Monet. I am excited to share with You my journey as a Witch with the hope that You will have a Deeper Understanding of what it means to be a Witch. I am personally a Witch who is Solitary (I live in a very rural setting), Intellectual (I love learning!), and Eclectic (I find the things that fit who I am and incorporate those teachings in my life).
I believe that magic is touching the ancient.
I find magic in the mundane, sitting by a stream, walking in the woods, meditating, sharing a cup of coffee with a friend, driving on a country road, or washing up the dishes after a meal. I find that I connect with magic when I pay attention, live in the moment, practice mindfulness
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I aspire to focus on the positive things in life. There is more than enough negativity out there in the world these days; I don’t need to add to it. I fight to keep the critical inner voice inside me silent. I like to Prove her Wrong.
I believe that all the tools of wands, tarot and tea leaves, crystals, caldrons, and candles are not in and of themselves magic. Those utensils help us to clarify our intentions. The real power of magic lives within each of us.
I believe in learning, studying, and contemplation; that knowledge is power. I never want to stop learning.
If on my journey through life I learn some kernel of understanding, I hope I have the opportunity to pass that knowledge on to someone else to help them on theirs.