You think you are a Witch.  You feel like you may be, but how do you know you are one?  How do you figure out if the path of a Witch may be the one you are already on? 

As you read through the list below, you may realize that some of these resonate with you, while other things do not.  Maybe you feel the energy of a crystal, but cooking isn’t something you even do.  That is okay because every Witch is different.  We all have our strengths and talents. 

Some Simple Signs

Below are some simple signs which might help you know you are on the journey to becoming a Witch:

  • You see the world differently from those around you.
  • You take note of the phases of the moon and how your emotions are affected.
  • When you pick up a stone or crystal, you feel the energy flowing from it to you.
  • You feel a sense of peace and connection staring into the flame of a candle.
  • You feel a deep connection to nature and animals.
  • You notice small details in everyday life.
  • You watch the weather and love the energy of storms.
  • When cooking a meal, you don’t just cook the food; you think about how it will nourish and serve those you feed.
  • If you are cleaning your home or office, you think about also dispelling any negative or stagnate energy.

Remember, all it takes to become a Witch is to decide you are one!  It is as simple as that. As you read and listen to others, remember not everything pertains to you.  Your Witchiness is unique to you.

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My advice as you start on this journey of embracing your Witchy side is to read articles and books, listen to videos and podcasts, visit a few metaphysical shops, and search out people who think as you do.  In doing so, you will begin to figure out what kind of Witchcraft feels right to you, and then you can focus your energies on becoming the Witch you were meant to be.

Please let me know how your journey as a Witch is going!  I would love to hear from you.

Until we meet again,