13 Magical Uses for a Full Moon’s Light

13 Magical Uses for a Full Moon’s Light

The moon holds a very dear spot in every Witch’s heart.  She acts as a guide and a protector.  The Lady reminds us of the ebb and flow of life in her monthly movements, reminding us to face all that life gives us with grace. You do not have to be directly...
5 Steps to Chime Candle Magic

5 Steps to Chime Candle Magic

Candle magic is one of the easiest yet powerful forms of magic.  It takes only a few simple steps to get the candle ready to help you send your intention out into the Universe or bring the Universe to you to help you out.  Chime candles are small,...
Colors for Candle Magic

Colors for Candle Magic

Candle magic is simple but very powerful.  There is something about staring into the flame that helps us reconnect to the ancient and magical.  Psychology tells us that specific colors evoke particular emotions.  Well, the same is true in magic and...
Westward Water Witches

Westward Water Witches

Witches often look to the West and the element of Water for inspiration and comfort. Combine the two and you have a powerful set of allies in your magickal workings. Many associate the cardinal direction to the west with the element of water.  It represents the...
A Witch’s New Cottage

A Witch’s New Cottage

I recently bought a new home.  It isn’t a Witch’s Cottage like the cute pictures on Instagram, but it comes pretty darn close.  Before moving in, I knew I needed to do a few things to ramp up the magick that already fills this place. I am one of those people...