Your house, office, or even you may need to have negative energies cleared.  To do this, you may turn to sage sticks, spells, or crystals.  Whatever you choose to do, there are some things you need to keep in mind as you cleanse your space. But be very aware of the Mean Greenies!

What are the Mean Greenies?

Mean Greenies are the negative energies which may fight you when you are trying to rid your space of any undesirable energy. If you just want to clear stagnate energy, then the Mean Greenies might not bother you. However, if you are trying to rid a space of some serious negativity, then you need to be aware of what to do about the Mean Greenies and how to deal with them.

First, and most importantly, set your intention. 

Before you begin any magical workings, the first thing you should do is get your mind in the right mindset.  What do you want to accomplish?  Do you want to banish a person’s negativity, or is it a more general cleansing of your space?  Make sure it is clear in your mind before you begin.

Clean the space.

When cleansing a physical space, be sure to clean it first and do so with intention.  The act of cleaning helps to clear bound energy.  You know how good it feels to have the house put in order, a closet cleaned out, or even a drawer arranged.  Cleaning the space begins the process of unclogging those stuck, negative energies.  If your entire house feels weighed down and you are feeling a bit overwhelmed with the process, start small.  That one cleaned out drawer can quickly turn into a cleaned out cabinet. 

Before you start, ground yourself.

Before you begin the cleansing ritual, take time to ground yourself.  One useful suggestion is to make sure you can feel your weight on your heels and not the balls of your feet.  When your weight is on the balls of your feet, it is like you are about to jump or step off, releasing part of you from the grounding energies of the earth.  The other suggestion is to be barefoot.  In working cleansing ceremonies with bare feet, you ground yourself with no barriers between you and Mother Earth’s energy.

Decide what you are going to use.

There are many other tools you can use to get some positive energy back into your space.  You need to pick one and get to cleansing!

  • Have Candles?  Burning a candle brings light into darkness, whether physically or metaphysically. 
  • Got Salt? Salt placed in bowls around a room absorbs negativity creating a powerful protective barrier against negative vibes.  When you finish with it, be sure to bury it or throw it out.  You never want to eat something filled with negativity!
  • Have some black tourmaline? It can transform negative energies into positive ones.  Note: Be sure to cleanse the stones you use with water, salt, or smoke.  They do a lot of work for you and need a little love, too!

The Best Way

In my opinion, the best method of cleansing is smudging using sage.  The smoke has been shown to have antibacterial properties, which makes it a healthy thing to do for yourself or others. I like the way the smoke tends to find the corners and push the stale energies out of hiding.  Good sage sticks are relatively inexpensive, and some are wrapped with dried herbs to add a bit more magic to the cleansing.  As a bonus, it smells lovely! 

What if you have none of these?

If you have none of these things available, you can visualize moving the negativity while sweeping it away with your finger and pointing the way out!

What do you say?  What do you do?

Some Witches use specific spells and words written in magnificent prose.  Others of us say what we need to say as it comes off the top of our heads.  A good idea is to have something written out on paper or in your mind to have a starting point.  You may need to go “off script” at some point.

A friend of mine posted this on her social media page:

                Other Witches: *beautifully elaborate ritual and flowery soft-spoken language* This space is cleansed and purified. Negativity holds no power here

                Me: *walking through the house, loud as f—* All the negativity can f—right off.  I’m the Witch.  You’re the bad vibes.  Get the f— out.

That makes me laugh, but the point is you are welcome to say what you want.  Say what feels right to you at the time.  Every situation can be different.

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Open a window.

Open doors and windows give negative energy a place to flow.  If you do not do this, you will find the energy will become even more stagnate than before you began.  Start in a corner away from the open door or window and sweep the energy toward the great outdoors.  Get that negative energy flowing out!

Beware the Mean Greenies.

When you are in the middle of a cleansing spell, you may encounter something unexpected.  If you are adhering to a specific set of language, that unexpected moment may throw you off your game and break your designed objectives of the cleansing.  Before you begin, at least think through what you will do in those situations.

Whenever you are working with energy cleansing, you have the possibility of running up against supercharged negativity, or as one person eloquently named them, the Mean Greenies.  When you do, do not allow it to rattle you.  Stop.  Take a deep breath and refocus your thoughts. 

Stand with your weight on your heels.  Close your eyes and envision purple light surrounding you.  The Mean Greenies do not seem to like purple light.  Once you feel yourself reconnect to the earth’s infinite positive energies, continue with your cleansing.

Is the negativity clear?

How do you know when you have cleared the pent up negative energies?  If you are using sage, there is an adage that the smoke knows when it is no longer needed. If you begin a cleansing and the sage stick is smoking heavily, it can mean that there is a great deal of blocked and stagnate energy. If there is only a small amount of smoke or if the stick goes completely out, then the energy is in a clear state.

When using sage, or any other type of cleansing tool, the person who will know the best when it is complete is you.  When you feel the negativity lift, you will realize you finished. 

I have finished, now what?

Once you have finished cleansing negative energies, be sure to take the time to cleanse yourself.  Re-ground.  Take time to meditate and bring yourself back to center.  Sage yourself.  Take a shower with intention of washing away anything that may have attached itself to you.  Set out a vase of fresh-cut flowers, light a candle, or place crystals that promote happiness, encouraging the negativity to stay away and positive energies to take its place. Sprinkle salt along the doors and windows for a little extra protection.

What needs cleansing of negativity in your space?

Now that you have some more tools in your skillset for dealing with negativity, what is it that needs cleansing in your life?  Your bedroom?  Your workspace?  Your entire house?  Tell me below what you propose to cleanse and how.  I would love to hear about your plans!

Until we meet again!