When the Element Fire Calls You

When the Element Fire Calls You

Fire demands respect. It is hard to control, but when used with caution, it warms our homes, cooks our food, and lights our way. Those who celebrate Fire, glow with a passion within their souls. They possess the courage to allow their creativity to shine. They dance...
When the Element Water Calls You

When the Element Water Calls You

Are you may receiving subtle signals from the Universe to pay attention to the lessons Water can teach you? You may suddenly be seeing seashells everywhere. Images of oceans or lakes keep popping up on your computer. You may have been without your umbrella and gotten...
Magickal Uses for Cinnamon

Magickal Uses for Cinnamon

Just getting a small whiff of cinnamon can send one’s mind to the autumn and winter months. Its smell conjures warm pumpkin pies, crisp air, and the cozy comforts of home. For Witches, cinnamon also carries thoughts of the magickal powers this common spice holds....