Charmed and Magickal Picnics

Charmed and Magickal Picnics

Picnics are fun, no matter the season!  If you are planning one, why not make it a charmed one? Pick the right colors, herbs, spices, and fruits.  Toss in a few crystals.  Suddenly, instead of an ordinary old boring picnic, you have one filled with...
Sweep Away Negative Energy

Sweep Away Negative Energy

It seems like there are times where negativity swirls around.  Nothing seems to be going right.  You are in a bad mood and not even sure why.  If only you could sweep it away.  Time to pull out your broom to help you clean the bad energies from...
Are You a Witch?

Are You a Witch?

You think you are a Witch.  You feel like you may be, but how do you know you are one?  How do you figure out if the path of a Witch may be the one you are already on?  As you read through the list below, you may realize that some of these resonate with...