Picnics are fun, no matter the season!  If you are planning one, why not make it a charmed one? Pick the right colors, herbs, spices, and fruits.  Toss in a few crystals.  Suddenly, instead of an ordinary old boring picnic, you have one filled with magickal intent!

Choose Your Intent

Before you begin the preparations for the picnic, decide what your focus is.  Do you want to energize your love life?  How about a picnic to honor an ancestor or a time of the year?  You could also have picnics around self-love, prosperity, or letting go. Here are some quick ideas:

  • Peace
  • Friendship
  • Letting go
  • Honor an ancestor
  • Peace
  • Health
  • Celebrate a season
  • Strength
  • Protection
  • Romantic love
  • Self-love
  • Prosperity

Find Correspondences to Fit the Meal

Correspondences are the little details you tap into to strengthen your magickal workings.  You will want to weave into your picnic a few to ramp up the magic of the moment. 


The colors that surround us influence our mood.  We are all aware of the energizing effects of reds and oranges or the calming properties of the blues and greens of nature.  Choose a blanket, napkins, even foods in these colors to help you connect to the magick.

  • Red—courage, strength, action
  • Pink—passion, friendship, self-love
  • Orange—energy, creativity, joy
  • Yellow—happiness, confidence,
  • Blue—healing or health, calm, harmony, forgiveness
  • Green—prosperity, good luck, nature, fertility
  • Purple—peace, wisdom, magick, truth, imagination
  • Black—protection, remove negativity, strength
  • Brown—balance, connection to Mother Earth or grounding, home
  • Silver—memory, The Moon, intuition, divination
  • Gold—finances, The Sun, understanding
  • White—clarity, relaxation, purification

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Something to Drink

Of course, you will also need something refreshing to drink!  The season of your picnic will decide much of what you will want with you to nosh on.  If it is cooler weather, a thermos of hot cocoa might be in order, but in the summer, a jar of sun tea may be more refreshing.  Some of you might want to pack a bottle of wine or champagne, especially if you are sharing this time with friends or a lover.


What’s a picnic without a little food?  Keep in mind that picnics are easiest when you bring finger foods along.

Fill Your Picnic Basket with Fruit

We all know that apples have been associated with knowledge from stories in the bible and with sleeping a long time like from the story of Sleeping Beauty, but other fruits have their correspondences, as well.

  • Apples—healing, love
  • Bananas—reaching your potential, stability, energy
  • Blueberries—peace, protection
  • Figs—strength, fertility, knowledge
  • Lemons—cleansing, happiness, friendship
  • Pineapple—friendship, wealth, hospitality
  • Peaches—fertility, divination
  • Pears—passion
  • Plums—protection
  • Oranges—luck
  • Grapes—wealth
  • Strawberries—friendship
  • Watermelon—healing


Besides holding magickal properties, nuts are also super easy finger foods to bring along on your magickal picnic.

  • Almonds—prosperity, wisdom
  • Brazil nuts—love, luck
  • Cashew—money
  • Coconut—protection, health
  • Hazelnut—luck, protection
  • Pecans—prosperity
  • Pistachios—rest, peace


Many of us could use more veggies in our diets.  Now is an excellent time to throw in a few to nibble upon while upping the magickal vibe of your picnic.

  • Celery—concentration, focus
  • Corn—blessings, prosperity
  • Cucumber—fertility, physical love, healing
  • Onion—protection, healing, physical love
  • Peas—money, fortune
  • Tomato—love, success, protection

Herbs and Spices

  • Basil—wealth, courage, protection
  • Cardamom—strengthen relationships
  • Chamomile—healing, wisdom
  • Cinnamon—protection, money, love, healing, divination, vitality
  • Cloves–strength
  • Garlic—health
  • Lavender—calming, love
  • Lemon—happiness
  • Luck—nutmeg
  • Mint—peace

Other foods you might want to bring

  • Eggs—fertility
  • Honey—strengthen relationships
  • Popcorn—fun
  • Relish—passion
  • Bread—blessings, abundance

A Few Crystals

When having a magickal picnic, you may want to throw in a few crystals.  Besides helping to ramp up your magickal energy for the meal, they make pretty additions to the setting.

  • Amethyst—peace, harmony, health
  • Black tourmaline—protection
  • Carnelian—communication
  • Citrine—happiness
  • Clear quartz—amplify the energy
  • Green jade–wealth
  • Hematite—grounding, connections, protection
  • Rose quartz—friendship
  • Tiger’s eye–confidence

What if I don’t have these things?

If what you have on hand isn’t one of the foods that go with the correspondences you want, say a little spell over it and fill it with your intent.  That is what matters the most with all of this.  As you gather the items, prepare the food, and fill the picnic basket or tote, hold onto your intent.  Saying small incantations that are on your mind fills the entire process with your heart’s desire!


You may not have the luxury of going to the beach or hiking to a quiet meadow on the side of a mountain, but it doesn’t mean you cannot bring the feel of those things to your picnic.  You can picnic in your local park, backyard, or even your living room.  The idea is to create a magical moment.  If you are trying to ground yourself, plan on sitting on the ground or floor.

Gather Your Supplies

You will need a blanket or tablecloth to lay out your picnic.  If you are going to a place where there are no places to sit, you may also want to bring your folding chairs.  Bring a knife or two for cutting cheeses or fruits, or spreading jams, butter or condiments.  Forks and spoons may be needed, too. 

Making It Special

Since this is a memorable picnic, think about packing your good plates, real (not plastic) utensils, and cloth napkins.  You can wrap your dishes in your tablecloth or blanket for safe travels.  Besides, not using plastic helps the environment, which makes Mother Nature smile.

Don’t forget the sunblock and bug spray; you may need those!

Whatever you eat, wherever you go, you will have a magickal time!  Please tell me about your Charmed and Magickal Picnic!

Until we meet again,