When Witches clean their home, they don’t just grab a broom and sweep.  They put intention into their actions.  Sweeping removes stale and stagnate energy.  Mopping becomes an act of protection.  Clean their house isn’t a mundane chore; it is an act of magick!

Before Beginning

Before you begin, you want to fill all of your tools with intention.  Gather your mop, broom, vacuum, dusters, and cleaning materials.  Also, grab a few of your magickal supplies.  You will want salt, lemon and lavender essential oils, and your wand.

Taking your wand (or your finger), move your hand deosil (or clockwise) over your cleaning supplies.  Say something like:

With this water and with this broom

Help me cleanse each room

Remove the dirt and clear the air

Negative energy I ensnare

Out the door and down the drain

Nevermore return again

Fill your tools and supplies with your intention of removing unwanted energies with ones that are supportive, calming, and helpful.  If you want to honor the Elements of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth, here is a post that will help you with that.

Now, Start Cleaning

Open up all the doors and windows you can.

Fill your mop bucket and sprinkle a pinch of salt in the water for protection and to aid in the removal of negative energies.

A few drops of lemon essential oil is antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antibacterial.  Put some in your mop water to raise the positive energy of a home.  Lavender essential oil added to the water promotes peace and calm.

Other Interesting Posts

As you clean, start at the front door and clean each room going deosil around your home. 

There is a practical order to cleaning a room.  You start by sweeping and vacuuming, then dust, and lastly, mop.  That way, the dirt and dust you kick up cleaning get mopped up at the end. 

Be intentional as you clean.  Move furniture around and sweep out and negative energies. 

As you dust, stir the stale energies lurking behind objects.

With each pass of the vacuum, suck up negative energy hiding under the furniture and behind the doors.

When you clean sinks and tubs, see the water as taking away any negativity that has collected in that space.

While you clean mirrors, see yourself as reflecting a positive attitude.

Finish back at your front door and sweep the negative and stale energies out and away.

When You Finish Cleaning

When you finish, be sure to empty the vacuum cleaner, take out the trash, and pour out the mop water with your magickal cleaning intentions in mind.  You want to remove any negative energies you have collected, so it doesn’t have a chance to creep back in.

Last Thing

Fill a bowl with warm water, a pinch or two of salt, and a few drops of lavender essential oil.  Wipe down the outside of your door to protect your home and bring positive energy to those who enter.

Time to Enjoy Your Home

Once you finish, take the time to enjoy your home.  Walk through each room, being mindful of all the ways they serve you, and be grateful.  Pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee, or a glass of wine and sit in your favorite spot and savor all the positive energy surrounding you.

What are some of the things you do to add magick to your cleaning routines?  I would love to hear from you!

Until we meet again,