Stop defending yourself as a Witch.  You have concluded that who and what you are is a witch after long and careful thought.  You did not decide this overnight.  You spent time reading, thinking, discussing, even taking those fun “What Kind of Witch Are You?” tests.  You have decided you are a Witch.  Own it.  Proudly.

That does not mean that you are going to go out spreading the gospel according to your beliefs or tell everyone with whom you come in contact.  You may not share this new you with your family or even your closest friends.  Being a Witch is yours.  Your beliefs and who you are.  Keep it close to your vest if you must.  Enjoy and revel in your new-found self.

Once you have decided you are a Witch, it means that you have come closer to the Old Wise Ones. The Energies of the Universe.  You are becoming aware of its subtleties and power.  You have begun to notice the ebb and flow of the seasons and the cycles of life, and you are becoming more attune and at peace with the process of this thing called living.

Journaling your journey becomes vital as a witch.  It is no longer something you ought to do; it becomes something you have to do.  You realize you do not want to lose the insights you are gaining

You want to hold onto a spell you found or one you spoke from your heart because you discovered the power of words.  You realize that you need a place to keep the secrets you are learning.  You want to keep up with the way crystals, colors, the moon, candles, and herbs all work together to incite the senses as you do magical work.  If you work with the Goddess and God, deities, or faeries, you want to remember the insights provided when you spent time with them.  In meditation, you have moments of complete clarity and will want to preserve those thoughts.

These are all reasons why you need to create and keep a Book of Shadows!

Other Interesting Posts

You may need to find ways to be who you are in the midst of those who have no connection to your magickal self.  It will be like walking a minefield, but it will be worth the risk because you will be at peace with yourself.  You will need to carefully and judiciously find others with like-mindedness, but there are ways to find connections to the pagan community. The internet is a lovely thing!

Stop defending yourself as Witch.  It is important work you are doing and significant to you.  Be who you are.  Revel and rejoice in the freedom of being yourself.  You are a Witch.  Wear the moniker proudly, even if you must do so in secret from the rest of the world.  You now know who you are.  How powerful is that?!

What are some of the barriers you have faced in becoming a Witch? I would love to hear about your journey!

Until we meet again,