There is something special about sitting out under a full moon.  The Lady provides loving energy that surrounds and fills us making us feel alive.  Since the dawn of time, we humans have had a special relationship with our nearest neighbor in space, the moon.  With moon water, we have a simple way to capture a bit of that energy and use it to invigorate our lives even when she isn’t in her full glory in the sky.

Why Make Moon Water?

Moon water can provide a quick pick-me-up.  It will increase the magick of blessings and the significance or ritual cleansings.  The uses are as many as you can create.  It is super easy to do, so why not make Moon Water?

What Is Moon Water?

Moon water is water that has sat out under the moon’s light to absorb its energies.  If you think about it, all water has been exposed to the moon’s power since it came into being.  When making moon water, you are re-charging the water and filling it with your intentions.

When Do You Want to Make Moon Water?

When making moon water, one of the best times is during the full moon.  Remember that many consider the time of the full moon three days before and three days after the actual event, so you have a window of opportunity to make the moon water. 

You can also make it during other phases as well.  If you are using the moon water for a ritual in which you cast a spell for removing things from your life, moon water charged for several nights under a waning moon is appropriate.  On the other hand, if you are trying to attract love or prosperity, water charged by the moon during its waxing phase might be more helpful.

How Do I Make the Moon Water?

If there was ever anything in magick that was simple, it is making moon water!  You need a jar with a lid or a bowl filled with water.  Some people get rather persnickety about the type of water used.  I am a realist.  I do not live near fresh running water, nor do I feel like taking all the precautions to make sure there are no unwanted parasites or toxins.  I use filtered tap water, and it always works great for me.

When choosing a vessel, keep in mind what your intended purpose is for the moon water.  Use a lid if you are planning on drinking the water or giving it to your pets as you do not want any unwanted critters floating in your fresh moon water.  If you are giving the water to your plants or only using it in a ritual, a bowl will suffice. 

Place it where the moonlight will reach your containers and voila! Moon water!  If you cannot place the jars or bowls outside, try to find a windowsill that catches the most moonlight and set them there.  It cannot get much easier than that!

What Do I Do If It Is Cloudy?

If it is cloudy or rainy, do not hesitate to set up your jars and bowls still to catch some moon energy.  Lady Luna is there, whether she is hidden behind some clouds, or not. 

When Do I Set It Out and Take It Up?

You want the water to be under the influence of the moon for as long as you can.  Set it out as close to moonrise and take it up as close to moonset as you can.  Again, be realistic.  If you do not get it out under the moon until close to midnight and then take it up after the sun rises, the magick energy is still there.  Some will tell you that it should not be allowed to be under the sun as that cancels out some of the moon’s energy.  You do what feels most appropriate to you and your needs.

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Be Sure to Set Your Intention

Before setting out the water to charge under the moon, decide how you plan to use the moon water. 

If you are going to use it for general purposes, set it out with some quartz crystals and rosemary.  If you are using the moon water for some other purpose, look up crystals and herbs to set beside your bowls or jars to enhance the power of your intentions.  You might want to include any sigil on the lids for your specific purpose or place runestones around your moon water. 

As you set the water in its place for the night, take a moment to visualize what you are trying to accomplish.  You may want to say a spell of intention or simply verbalize what it is you wish to achieve with the water.  Doing those little extras helps you to focus your intention and guide the moon water to assist you in accomplishing your goals.

How to Use It

  • Sprinkle it on items being blessed or consecrated
  • Use it in a baby naming ceremony to bless a child
  • Wipe the entrance doors to your home for added protection
  • Water your plants
  • Fill your smudge spray bottle with it
  • Place a container, such as a small jar, of the moon water on your altar to amplify your intentions.  Be sure to refresh it every month!
  • Make a spritzer of energy for yourself.  Add a few drops of lavender and rosemary, which is good for your aura.
  • Take a bath in moon water.  You only need a cup to give yourself some Luna love.  If you do not have a tub, pour the water over you before you step out of the shower.
  • Charge or cleanse your crystals.  Be careful water can harm some.  You can always set your crystals next to the bowl or jar of the moon water to increase the energy.
  • Give your pets a little extra zip in their step by filling their water bowl with the good stuff!
  • Don’t forget to put a little moon water in the fish tank!
  • Add moon water to your cooking. 
  • Pour moon water over your dishes as you clean them after a meal charging them for the next time you eat.
  • Add the moon water into your beauty rituals.  Rinse your hair or washing your face with moon water always helps bring a little extra energy to your beauty routines.

The beautiful thing about moon water is that it is a never-ending source of energy for your magickal purposes.  When you run out, there is always a full moon just around the corner!

How do you plan to use your moon water?  I would love to hear some of your ideas!

Until we meet again,