Many of us spend a great deal of time in our cars commuting to and from work or running errands.  As you weave through traffic, wouldn’t it be nice if a little magick was on your side helping to protect you? Here you will find several charming ideas for magickally protecting your car while helping you remain focused on the road.

Before You Start

Before you start scrubbing and vacuuming the dirt in your car, clean it of any trash or items that were collecting in the vehicle. This will begin the process of setting the right intentions of removing any unwanted negativity from your car.

While Cleaning Your Car

As you clean the outside of your car, add a pinch of salt, basil, and cinnamon to your soap bucket. You will only need a pinch of each to add protection to the exterior of your car.

  • Salt has long been recognized for its cleansing and protecting properties.
  • Cinnamon protects you from the negative energies of other drivers.
  • Basil drives away threats of bad intentions.

Add some moon water to your rinse bucket to create a layer of magic on the surface of your automobile.

Magickal Precautions Inside Your Car

You want the interior of your car to be a place of peace, calm, and solace so that you are relaxed as you drive your vehicle.

Before you vacuum, mix baking soda with several drops of lavender essential oil. Sprinkle the mixture on your carpets to help release the dirt from the fibers and fill your car with the calming smell of lavender. If lavender is not your thing, try ylang-ylang or chamomile essential oils.

After cleaning all the surfaces inside your auto, lightly spritzing them with a little Florida Water. Florida Water protects against unwanted negative energies while creating another layer of protection.

Energy Cleansing

After you have finished cleaning your car inside and out, you will want to do a thorough energy cleansing. One of the best ways to do this is to use a smudge stick. Once it is smoking, walk around the outside of your car going letting the smoke pass over the surface of your vehicle.  Open the doors and trunk and pass through the spaces, being sure to allow the smoke to reach the hidden regions of your interior.

Be careful with the embers! To keep those from falling into your car, keep a small fire safe receptacle under the smudge stick as you move around. A terracotta plant plate, an abalone shell, or your small caldron will work.

Make a Traveling Protection Mojo Bag

Mojo bags are little satchels with a drawstring. If you do not have one, you can take a small square of fabric, put your charms, herbs and crystals in the middle, and pull it together with a small piece of ribbon.

When choosing the color of the material, you might want to choose:

  • Yellow for travel
  • Black for protection
  • Red for defense

Things to Add

  • Into your bag, place a pinch of basil, cinnamon, mint, and salt for protection against negative energy.
  • If you tend to be anxious, add several drops of essential oil of lavender or clary sage on a cotton swab. If it begins to lose its smell, you can add more drops as needed.
  • If you need to be more awake and alert, try bergamot or peppermint essential oils.
  • You can add some crystals to your mojo bag, too. Hematite and black tourmaline work well for protection, while turquoise, peridot, or iron to represent safe travels.
  • Add a pinch of dirt from around your home to draw you back to the safety of your home.
  • A feather (ethically sourced) represents safe travels.

Once you have your charms in your bag, tie it with a red ribbon for defense and add a small charm to the knot.

Now that you have your travel mojo bag all ready to go, charge it with your energy. Hold your bag in your hands, feel your energy going into it as you envision safe travels.

You can place this mojo bag in your console or hang it from your rearview mirror.  If you do hang it from your rearview mirror, be sure it will not impede your vision and that the small charm will not catch the light and reflect it into your eyes.

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Other Little Things around Your Car

  • You can tuck some more crystals around your car. Amethyst promotes calm, so it would be good to have under your front seat.
  • Sprinkle rosemary in your car to promote clear thinking
  • Use a little oil on your finger and draw a sigil for protection on your car. It doesn’t have to be large, but just above or below the handles of your car is an excellent spot to place these. Two other good spots are on the hood of the car and on the rear bumper.

One Last Step   

Calling on your guides, whether it is the Elements, the Goddess and God, or the Universe, see a bubble of white light shimmering with sparkles of purple surrounding your car. Say a spell of protection as you create your sphere of protection. You could say something like:

With these charms protect this car

As it travels near and far

This spell could be written on a piece of paper tucked into your satchel with the names of those who usually travel in it.

Before You Pull Your Car in Gear

Before you put your car in gear, touch the bag and see the bubble re-form around the car. Put your seatbelt on. Remember that you are driving a car and responsible for not only to yourself, but also the other drivers on the road. Be sure to:

  • Pay attention.
  • Stay focused on driving. 
  • Remember that text can wait.
  • If you need to make a call, pull over.
  • Pay attention to your speed.

Re-Charge Your Protections Monthly

Just like the batteries in your smoke detector, your charms need re-charging regularly. A good suggestion is to do them each full moon since that is a natural time to remember to re-charge many of your other magickal tools. 

Do you have any car protection rituals you use? Please share! I would love to get more idea!

Safe travels!

Until we meet again,