Just getting a small whiff of cinnamon can send one’s mind to the autumn and winter months. Its smell conjures warm pumpkin pies, crisp air, and the cozy comforts of home. For Witches, cinnamon also carries thoughts of the magickal powers this common spice holds.  

It is essential to recognize the spice for its ability to raise magickal energy. If you are about to perform some kind of magick and want to increase the vibrational energies of your work, sprinkle cinnamon deosil, or in a clockwise motion, around your space. If you work in a circle, you can add sprinkling cinnamon along the perimeter for added protection, as well.

What is Cinnamon?

Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of a cinnamon tree found in Sri Lanka, Mexico, Philippines as well as other countries. The harvesting process involves scraping off the outer bark to expose the inner bark of a stem. When the inner bark gets peeled off, it creates cinnamon strips that curl up like the cinnamon sticks you are used to seeing in the spice aisle at your local market.  

Sticks or Powder

It does not matter whether you use cinnamon sticks or powder in your magickal workings. Cinnamon sticks work well in Witch’s balls and spell jars where the powder works better for dressing a candle. It will depend on the situation and what you have on hand in your pantry.

Cinnamon’s Meanings and Uses

You want to include cinnamon in your magickal workings for:

  • Romance
  • Protection
  • Love
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Healing
  • Removing Negative Energies
  • Relieving Stress
  • Attract Money
  • Anointing oil

How to Use Cinnamon

Cinnamon is said to raise the energy of the magick, which makes it suitable for pairing with other tools such as candles, runes, Tarot cards, or crystals.

  • Use cinnamon for purging negative energy from your home or office and keeping it out.
  • Sprinkle cinnamon at the door or hang cinnamon in a bundle to ward off negative energy from entering your home or office. (If you live or work with people while still in the broom closet, cinnamon is an excellent magickal ingredient to use. They will just think you like the spice and the way it smells. They never have to know all the good it is doing them magickally!)
  • Cinnamon acts as a purifier, so add it as an ingredient to any magickal work for cleaning a space of bad vibes. Add a pinch to your mop water to help with cleaning negative energies.
  • Cinnamon is the spice of romance! Add it to your magickal spells for love and romance to spice things up. Burn a cinnamon candle in the bedroom to entice your lover.
  • Bake it in a dish for someone you love. As you stir in the cinnamon, think of the person to whom you want your love to go. Think of the things you love about them and the relationship you want with this person while sending your loving intentions to them.
  • If you are feeling stressed, try eating, drinking, or smelling something with this lovely spice in it. The smell can calm you and send you to a happy place.

Other Interesting Posts

  • Sprinkle cinnamon in your wallet to attract money to you.
  • If you are doing a spell for prosperity, add cinnamon to the working.
  • Use cinnamon-infused oil for anointing tools, spaces, or someone. To make cinnamon anointing oil, place a stick of cinnamon in oil and let it infuse the oil with its wonderfulness. (Be careful that the infused oil isn’t too hot on the skin.)
  • Cinnamon is known as being antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory. It is also used as an antacid. As such, it makes an excellent addition to any magickal workings for health.
  • Bring cinnamon sticks to a boil in water and let the pot sit on your stove to bring health and protection to all who enter. You may also want to throw in some ginger and citrus peels.
  • Add cinnamon to your tea or hot chocolate. As you add the spice and stir your drink deosil or clockwise, think on the property of cinnamon you want to use. For instance, you could think of your health and how the spice calms you during times of stress. Take deep breaths of its aroma to add to its effects.
  • Use it on your altar to represent Fire. If you have every eaten Fire Hots or any other strong cinnamon candy, it is no surprise to you that the element Fire is associated with the spice. As such, it makes an excellent addition to your altar to pay homage to the element.

Witches and Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a common spice found in almost all kitchens. It can pair with sweet or savory dishes, which makes it a most versatile ingredient. In addition to cinnamon being yummy in dishes, Witches don’t just cook with cinnamon; they also use the spice for a multitude of magickal workings.

Remember, If you need to raise the energy of a spell, toss in a little cinnamon to give it an extra punch.

How do you use cinnamon in your magick? Do you have a favorite way? I would love to hear from you!

Until we meet again,