Witches and wands go together.  We use them for focusing and transmitting energy when casting spells or charming objects.  Fancy or simple, wands are an essential tool for every Witch.

The wand represents male energy and is a tool of action.  Do not take it lightly when you pick up your wand to use it as you work—you had better expect things to happen.  Magickal work is sometimes subtle and happens slowly, and at other times, it explodes into action.

Choosing a Wand

It has been said that you do not choose a wand; the wand chooses you.  The Universe will supply a wand when it is time for you to have one.  You may be in a Pagan store and find one for sale that calls to you, or you may be walking in the woods and see a stick lying on the ground you feel compelled to pick up.  Both are of equal value in magick. 

Now That You Have a Wand, You Want to Clear Any Residual Energy It Has Picked Up

If you purchase a wand, you must cleanse it of any residual energies left by others who picked it up.  If you use a stick that appeared to you, you still want to clear it so that it is ready to work with your energies.  To cleanse your wand, you can lay it beside or on a piece of selenite overnight, leave it under the full moon, or pass it through smoke. 

Besides cleansing the wand and empowering it with your magickal energies, you may also want to charge it further with charms or symbols symbolic to you and your craft.  You could decorate your wand with crystals, rune symbols, or colored ribbons.  You can also consecrate a wand with oil and herbs, such as rosemary, to increase its magickal abilities.

Using the Wand

The point of using the wand in magick is to help you focus your energy.  Picking up the wand says to your mind that you are beginning magickal work.  Pause and clearly define what you are trying to accomplish.  You may be doing a spell for abundance, healing, protection, or charm an object.  Whatever you are doing, be sure to state what you want in simple, clear terms.  Not doing so can confuse the Universe as to what you need.

Make Strokes with Your Wand

As you are enchanting an object or saying your spell, you want to make strokes with your wand.  You could draw a rune symbol in the air or spell out a word that represents the essence of what you are trying to accomplish.  You can also stir the air deosil, or clockwise, to bring energy towards you and widdershins, or counterclockwise, to banish or send energy away. 

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Do Not Use Your Energy

One mistake many Witches make, even when we know better, is using our energy instead of that of the Universe.  The Universe is full of unlimited energy, so why would you ever use your own?  Visualize the power of the Universe flowing into and through you.  If you want to push your magick out into the world, hold the wand in your dominant hand.  Feel the energy flowing up and through you into the wand and out its end.  If you are trying to draw power to you, hold the wand in your non-dominant hand and visualize the energy coming into the tip and flowing through you empowering you.

What If You Don’t Even Have a Stick?

If you have not purchased or found a wand, never worry.  Your finger will work nicely for your purposes.

Storing Your Wand

Because wands are so sensitive to the energies around it, you may want to store it someplace where you protect it from unwanted energy sources.  You can wrap it in a cloth or store it in a bag.  You may want to keep it in a box.  To add protection, surround the wand with blue, purple, or black cloth and with crystals such as black tourmaline, smoky quartz, or hematite.

Wands Are Sensitive

Wands are sensitive to your energies after you charge it with your magickal intentions.  When you begin to use one for magickal working, be as specific as you can while casting a spell or enchantment.  Remember that after each use, you will want to cleanse the wand and store it properly.  Stick, purchased wand, or finger all work well.  Which do you use?  Have you given yours any personal touches?  I would love to hear from you!

Until we meet again,