Most of us no longer have a deep connection to the Elements through our daily lives as our ancestors did.  We do not work in the fields and thus miss our connection to Air and Earth.  Our evenings are not spent sitting around a hearth and communing with Fire.  We do not go to a well or river stream to draw the water we need; therefore gone is our link to the Water element.  As a result, we may feel disconnected from the Elements and how they manifest in our lives.

Could it be that we do not pay attention to how the Elements have found new ways into our homes?  The many appliances and furniture which fill our spaces have replaced how we connect to the Elements but still serve to help us feel an attachment to them.  We simply have to think about that connection differently.

Below are some suggestions for interacting differently as a Witch with the furniture and appliances in your home.  The idea here is to connect to the things in your space in a new way by viewing these objects as representatives of the Elements and how they speak to your life. 


Water is the Element of emotion.  It is our emotions that connect us to our families, the work we do, and the lives we live.  Some of the more obvious Water elements in our homes are the sink, shower, and tub, but some appliances can also represent Water. 

Think about your washer as a Water element. Your clothes bring in dirt and grime into your house, and negative energy from those with whom you work and encounter on your travels cling to your clothes.  The washer, an excellent Water element appliance, comes to your rescue!  It tirelessly removes all those unwanted negative emotions and washes those away.


Air is the Element of thought and movement.  When you encounter Air in your life, it may mean that change is “in the Air,” so to speak.  Air’s reminder of its presence comes to us in our homes through such appliances as fans, HVAC systems, and even the dryer. 

Next time you are loading and unloading the clothes to and from your dryer, think about how Air speaks to you through this process.  Think about things in your life that are moving and changing.  If you are having a hard time, think of those challenges as your wet clothes. For a few moments, meditate over how the wet clothes enter the device and emerge changed.  It is not a calm change either.  The clothes are tossed and stirred for the shift from wet to dry to occur.  Air can use the dryer to remind you that there may be some rough and tumble times ahead, but soon the calm will come.

Of all the Elements, I think Air is the sneakiest.  It has subtle ways to get your attention when you need a gentle reminder of its presence.  Then there are times when it speaks loud and clear that you should pay attention to what it is trying to say.  Our HVAC system is a noisy kind of reminder.  You can hear it come on all over our house.  The sound used to drive me crazy, but now that I think of it as a reminder from my friend Air, it makes me happy to hear it. 

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Although the stove does not hold the same importance it once did our homes, t still a representative of the Element of Fire.  Fire is the Element of purification and transformation.  It can represent our passions and our compulsions. 

As you cook a meal, take a moment to connect with this magickal Element that causes the transformation of all the individual ingredients and turns it into a meal.  Think of how, without a little control, things can quickly get out of hand.  Our passions are an essential part of who we are, but they must be tempered all the same.  Too much energy, and you find yourself quickly burning out.


Earth is our grounding element.  It can take all the negative energy we need to remove and provides us with unlimited positive energy.  Some of you may be Garden Witches, feeding your need to connect with Mother Earth, but others of us do not have that luxury.  Most of us tend to no longer lay on the floor unless we have thrown our back out, but we do lay on our mattresses and take naps on our couches.  These pieces of furniture connect us with the Earth element.  They help to ground us and rejuvenate our energies.  Walking barefoot through your home also allows for that exchange of energy with the Earth. 

Other Appliances

There are other appliances, furniture, art, and knickknacks that fill our spaces, many of which can take on the symbolism of the Four Elements.  Some of these items may take on two or more of the Elements, like a water heater.  It can represent Fire or Water for you.  The concept here is to think of these objects in our home, and how we interact with them as representatives of the Elements.

Don’t Forget to be Grateful

After one of the Elements has spoken to you through the mundane, take time to thank them for revealing themselves to you.  They do a lot of hard work to make your life easier and try their best to get you to pay attention to the lessons they are teaching you in small and ordinary ways.  A little gratitude will go a long way in drawing you closer to the Elements and their teachings. 

How do the Elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire connect with you through the appliances and furniture in your home?  Do you interact with them a little differently as a Witch?  Please let me know some of your thoughts.  I would love to hear them!

Until we meet again,