At one point in time, I lived where I had ready access to nature.  Now, not so much.  I have to make an hour drive to get to the nearest real park.  It is a state park, and it is lovely, but it is a considerable time commitment to go to visit there.  I am lucky I have access when I need a nature fix, but what about the other times?  What do we Witches do when we do not have access to full-blown nature in all its wonder?

I read a lot of books and blogs on Witchcraft, and I am surprised at how many of them will tell the reader they need to go out into nature and lay down in the grass.  I live in the land of fire ants.  Are they crazy?  I am also taken aback at how many tell us to go into the woods and cut a limb from a tree.  Umm, that is not very ethical, practical, or in some places even legal. 

Witches understand the need to pay attention to nature around us.  Some Witches acknowledge the changing seasons through the Wheel of the Year celebrations.  Others connect with the various phases of the Moon.  Still, others relate to nature by having a special bond with the Elements of Wind, Fire, Water, and Earth.  Below are some ideas of ways you can connect to Mother Earth, even if you do not have direct access to a forest.

Ideas for Connecting to Nature

Pick up fallen leaves

Save seeds from your fruits to place on your altar

Collect fallen pine cones, acorns, or buckeye balls from sycamore trees

Make a meal from scratch using fresh ingredients

Visit a city park

Use herbs in your cooking—even if it is salt, it is still of the earth

Brew a cup of tea or coffee if that is your thing

Light a candle in place of a bonfire

Pick blooming “weeds” such as dandelions (be ethical in your picking)

Feel the water running across your skin as you bathe or wash your hands

Pick up sticks on the ground

Pocket rocks you find on your path

Other Interesting Posts

Take a walk outside

Find pictures of nature which speak to you

Feel the wind on your skin; even it is generated by a fan

Watch a bird soar or the clouds float by

Stop in a flower shop and breathe in the smell of flowers

Take a good sniff of the enticing scents of fruits, vegetables, and spices while at the grocery store

Chart the Moon’s phases

Print out a coloring page that has a nature scene and color it in

Spend time at a window if it is all the glimpse of nature you have available

It may not be feasible in the world in which many of us live to commune at length with Mother Nature.  I wish we all could, at least for a little while.  Nonetheless, some of these thoughts will hopefully spark ideas for you to bring a little bit of nature into your space

What are some simple ways you connect to nature?  What method do you use to be one with Mother Earth without having access to a forest?  I would love to the unique ways you tuck a little nature into your life.

Until we meet again,