Simple Guidance for Your Journey as a Witch
Welcome the Elements While Cleaning Your Home
Witches don’t merely clean their house. They turn the experience into one more opportunity to raise the magick in their homes.
Cleaning a Witch’s House
When Witches clean their home, they don’t just grab a broom and sweep. They put intention into their actions.
SALT: A Witch’s Friend
Salt is a hard-working little crystal with many wondrous properties. It also plays a starring role in Witchcraft with all its magickal uses.
Charmed and Magickal Picnics
Picnics are fun, no matter the season! If you are planning one, why not make it a charmed one?
Sweep Away Negative Energy
Time to pull out your broom to help you clean the bad energies from your life.
Are You a Witch?
Check out this list to see if you relate to any of these simple signs!
If you are on a Journey to discover a Deeper Meaning to your Life as a Witch, then you have found a Home.