Simple Guidance for Your Journey as a Witch
Six Things a Hurried Witch Can Do
Witches are busy, too! Here are 6 ideas to keep you grounded in your Witchcraft!
Journaling as a Witch
Bullet Journaling is all the rage these days. Search Google, Amazon, or Pinterest, and you will find all kinds of books, pages, and ideas to help you keep up with the essential things in your life. There are some fantastic journal ideas available for...
Crystals for Happiness
Crystals can make you happy! Here are the crystals you need for bringing a little happiness to your life.
What is Keeping You Blocked from Being Your Best Witchy Self?
It is a hard thing to do to give up a bad habit, but if it leads you to a more intimate journey on your path as a Witch, wouldn’t that be worth the effort?
Rediscovering Magickal Treasures
All Witches collect magickal musings or essential items to our magickal work. What has happened to your collection?
No Access to Nature? What’s a Witch to Do?
What do we Witches do when we do not have access to nature in all its wonder?
If you are on a Journey to discover a Deeper Meaning to your Life as a Witch, then you have found a Home.