Through the years, all Witches collect magickal musings or essential items to our magickal work.  We write great insights down in a journal, tuck little thoughts into our Book of Shadows, or save things on a Pinterest board.  Then as time passes, we forget about these things.  They become no longer relevant or overlooked. 

When is the last time you rummaged through your special places where you kept those magickal thoughts or treasured objects and spent time with them?  If you take the time to peruse your collections, you might find tidbits of wisdom that speak to you again.  If so, bring those back into your thoughts and place the information or article where you will see it and interact with it once more. 

If you find it is not worthy of your time, or it is no longer relevant, toss it out.  As your life changes, you will discover there are things you held onto which are taking up space.  As long as those things are there, there is no room for the information that matters to you.  Doing a little purging is good for the soul!  It brings energy back to you. 

Some places to start

Book of Shadows—Look back through all of your pages of your Book of Shadows.  Read the pages carefully.  Think about why those things were important to you when you wrote those down.  Are there spells you want to try again?  What about any rituals you should bring back into your life?  Did you write down some correspondences which might be helpful to you in your life now?  If you find pages that do not resonate with you at this time, those may need to be filed away or even tossed out.

Crystals—Have you collected crystals through the years?  Find all of your stones and bring them back together.  Sit with them a while and meditate on their meanings.  Take this time to recharge them and thank them for the services they provide to you.  Does anyone of them speak to you differently than before?  Do some of them seem to need a new place in your life?  Or maybe they need to hang out in a new space.  If you have kept a journal on your crystals, read through the properties of each stone.  You may find there is a reason you are connecting to a different aspect of a crystal’s energy now that you might not have before.

Herbs—All Witches have at least a few herbs about, and some of you have a large assortment.  It might be a good time to go through your jars and bags.  Some of them may be old and need tossing.  Going through your herbs might spark some thoughts on ways to use them you haven’t thought of before, like trying a new recipe. 

Candles—Many Witches practice candle magick.  Even if not, we all have candles we use for various magick work.  If you have candles in your home, when is the last time you blessed them?  A good time to bless your candles is on Brigid’s Day or Candlemas in some traditions, but the energy of the candles could use your blessings anytime you feel they could use a little extra attention. 

Pinterest—Do you have a Pinterest board or two (or twenty?) where you save ideas for your magick work?  When is the last time you looked at all those pins you saved?  Were there any that spoke to you that might be able to help you out with something happening in your life now? 

Other Interesting Posts

Instead of searching through Pinterest for new things to pin, next time, pick one of your boards to read.  Those pins are specifically chosen for you by you, no need to search!  If something stands out as necessary now, find a way to take action on it.  If it is a spell or ritual, print it out and perform it.  Is it a cool saying?  Write it down where you will see it and can commit it to memory. 

Miscellaneous—Don’t forget that shoebox, drawer, or file where you have placed things for safekeeping.  Those need your love and attention, too!

Getting the Process Started

Going through all the items and writings, you have collected in your time as a Witch may re-inspire your magickal workings.  You may find that purging and sorting brings a new or forgotten energy to your life.  We keep things that are important to us at some point in time or place.  When those things are no longer needed, we need to make room for new thoughts and things to have space to expand and enhance our lives. 

A little sorting and organization will help you be a bit more efficient and re-energize your magickal workings.  Where are you going to start your journey back through the items and thoughts special to you and your magickal work?  I would love to hear what you rediscovered along the way!

Until we meet again,