Whether you are new to Witchcraft or been at it for years, it is easy to put off taking time to practice the art of being a Witch.  On your journey as a Witch, so many things demand your attention and some of them rightly so.  Each person prioritizes the small and large events in their lives to best fit their needs.  Or maybe not. 

How many times has your life gotten out of balance?  This imbalance occurs stealthily without your even being aware you allowed it to become that way.  To have time for all the things you must do, you, unfortunately, let the things that you want to do, such as practicing your craft, fall to the wayside.

Being a Witch should come easy.  It is a way of life that you chose, but all the demands of life interfere with focusing on the things that matter.  Taking a few minutes out of your day to connect or reconnect to the essence, which makes you a Witch, feeds your soul.

Small changes over a long time add up to significant changes.  No one loses a lot of weight overnight.  They start by doing things a little different one day and keeping that change up until it becomes a habit.  By starting small and doing a few things each day, you can incorporate some magic into your chosen path of Witchcraft.

Below are a few suggestions to help you slip in a little bit of magic into your day to help you on your journey to being the witch you want to be.  None of them take much time, and all of them are budget-friendly to boot

Light a Candle

Lighting a candle unites you to the element of fire.  The glow of the flame mesmerizes as it dances in response to the slightest of changes in the atmosphere around it.  Even as it flickers, it never loses the power of its light.  When you light your candle, watch the flame.  Reflect on how you can bend in the changing winds of your life without losing your inner witchy self.               

If you do not have access to a candle or not able to use one where you are, you can use a flameless, battery-powered candle.  Although not quite the same, it is a good substitute in a pinch.  There are also apps for your phones which emulate a pretty good flame.  To get one without ads, you will probably have to pay, but the free ones aren’t bad.  If nothing else, close your eyes and imagine a candle. 

Take a deep breath and relax as you slowly exhale.  Think about how the flame moves effortlessly while remaining powerful, much like you and your beautiful Witchy self.

Find Out What Phase the Moon Is In

The Moon is one of the most magical things in human’s lives.  She is beautiful as she hangs in the night sky, a silver orb reflecting the light of the sun.  The Moon affects the entire planet by causing the changing tides of the sea.  As a metaphor, she reflects the cyclical changes of life.  You begin something, it comes to fruition, and then fade as you move on to another cycle in your life.

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Knowing the phase of the Moon keeps you in tune with that cyclical nature.  There are many easy ways to know in what phase the Moon is.  Search any app store for moon phases (I like Daft Moon) and you will find plenty of free apps to keep you up to date. 

Carry Your Favorite Magic Crystal

Do you have a favorite crystal, one that always makes you think of the magic you possess when you simply hold it in the palm of your hand?

Choose a stone or crystal that speaks to you of your magick.  Place it in your workspace, be it an office desk, in your car, or next to the kitchen sink.  Carry it in a small pouch and keep it in your pocket or purse, but someplace where you will see it throughout the day.  That way, you will have a gentle reminder to yourself to tap into your power as a Witch.

Don’t have a stone that speaks to you as being overly magical?  Try moonstone or iolite.  Those are two magical crystals!  Of course, moonstone channels the beautiful Moon and all that she brings to all our lives.  Iolite, with its purple hues, mirrors that magical time of dusk as your world transforms from daylight to night.  These two stones are potent reminders of the magic inside of you.

Take a Short Walk

Whether you are in the country or the city, it is still possible to bond with nature, even if only for a brief moment.  No matter where you live, nature is somewhere to be found.  There may be a tree that lives along the path you wandered.  Take time to notice the way it grows and how it grounds itself to the earth while reaching to the sky.  Maybe you live where there are no trees.  Find something that is natural and notice their patterns and colors.                

In noticing nature, you are creating a closer relationship to Mother Earth and all she provides to you.  Just taking a few moments to acknowledge the beauty she gives embraces you in a magical hug.     

Brew a Cup of Tea

Or coffee, if that is your thing.  You may not like either one but have your favorite beverage.  As you wait in line at the coffee shop, or pop open a can of soda from your fridge, take time to drink in the experience.  Feel the temperature on your hands.  Hear the sounds as you clink the spoon on the side of the cup or pop the top on the can.  Breathe in the aromas of the beverage.  Savor the drink as you take that first sip.  Make it a sensual experience, because it is!

Journal about Your Journey as a Witch

Journaling does not have to be long-winded ramblings about your life.  It can be if that is what you want your journal to be.  If you are pressed for time, write down one or two sentences about your day.  It doesn’t even have to be sentences, it could be bullets of things you took notice of throughout the day.  You could jot down one thing that made you smile.  Describe the weather and how it made you feel.  Note the phase of the Moon.  Write down something you did in the day to practice the art of your Witchcraft.

Journaling helps you to reflect on what is happening in your life.  The small things are sometimes more important in the long run than the significant events.  By paying attention to how you felt or one thing you did to be an active witch, you get a feel for how those small changes make a significant long-term change in your life.

Elaborate Rituals Not Necessary

Creating your life as a witch doesn’t take elaborate rituals on a daily basis.  Taking walks, lighting candles, or carrying your favorite crystal, are all simple ways to connect to our craft.  Be present in the moment and not let life pass you by too quickly.  The Witchiest thing you can do is to take time to enjoy this journey of life, embracing your Witchcraft along the way. 

Did you find one thing you could do today to tap into your Magickal Witchy life?  Did you think of one you could do instead?  I would love to hear about what you did!

Until we meet again,