Do you ever find yourself mindlessly snacking?  Many of us do it, but there is a way to turn that automatic snacking into a cool Witchy thing to do!

Instead of eating without thought, turn it around and eat with intention.  Say to yourself, “I am eating this food to create in me an awareness of the (fill in the blank) within me.

For example, you could say, “I am eating these strawberries as an awareness of the love I have for myself.”  No longer is the eating mindless.  Now you are eating with intention and savoring every bite to help yourself be mindful of the intention with which you are eating the food!

Some Ideas To Get You Started!*

Are you snacking for Love? Nosh out on red apples, strawberries, cinnamon candies, or chocolate.

For peace and calm, you could munch on dark chocolate, guacamole, blueberries, almonds, or have a hot cup of coffee or tea.

If you need more Passion in your life, try green apples, kale chips, raw nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.  You might also want to connect to your sacral second chakra through orange snacks like oranges, sweet potatoes, and carrots.

For General Health try snacking on cherries or pomegranates, red apples, and red bell peppers.

Are you having trouble with Communication?  Blueberries, coconut water, or warm herbal tea might be some good choices.

If you want to bring Money and Good Luck into your life, a Southern tradition is to eat Black Eyed Peas, Cornbread, and Collard Greens.  It isn’t traditionally thought of as a snack food or eaten to bring luck except on New Year’s Day, but who says you have to stick with tradition?

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Boost your Creativity with foods such as green tea, avocados, and walnuts.  Include berries in your diet.  You can never go wrong munching on blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries.  Water is great for creativity considering the brain is about 80% water, so it functions best when you are well hydrated.  Tasting things you do not eat regularly also stimulates your creativity, so it is time to try the new spicy hummus on your favorite cracker.

Are you into Connecting with the Elements?  If so, you could eat popped popcorn for Air and spicy things like Red Hots or Atomic Fireballs for Fire.  For Water, the obvious choice is to drink water (duh!), but you could also sip on coffees or teas.  You could also munch on water-rich veggies like celery.  For the element Earth, you could snack on veggies that grow in the ground like carrots, radishes, and potatoes.

Whether at work, on the drive home, or during your latest binge-watching session, you can now incorporate a little Witchy-ness into your snacking.

Do you have any other ideas for good intentional, Witchy snacking?  Please share your suggestions!

Until we meet again,


(*These suggestions are never intended to be a prescription for your health, and of course, you should always check with a medical expert before starting any new eating regimen.)