It seems like there are times where negativity swirls around.  Nothing seems to be going right.  You are in a bad mood and not even sure why.  If only you could sweep it away.  Time to pull out your broom to help you clean the bad energies from your life.

The Power of a Broom

If you are from magickal traditions, you may need a separate broom for magick work and a different one for cleaning your house.  I tend to think that witches in the past, and some of us in the present, did not have the luxury of owning two items to do the same thing.  Whichever way you choose to do it, before you use the broom for magick work, be sure to cleanse it.

Cleansing Your Broom 

You can cleanse your broom by passing it through smoke, leaving it under a full moon, or hold it in your hands and speak your intention into it.  Your intention is rather apparent in this case; you are removing negative energy from your space.

Besom or Broom?

Officially, the difference between a besom and a broom is in how the bristles or twigs are tied.  A besom is constructed of twigs tied in a circle around a sturdy stick.  A broom has a brush of straw or stiff strands of material bound together at the end of a pole or handle.  It doesn’t matter which you chose since they are meant for sweeping.  Either will work equally well for ridding your space of negative energy.

Ramp Up the Magick

Before you begin, you may want to pull out some of your crystals.  Black tourmaline, hematite, and smoky quartz are three good ones to use.  You may also want to light a white candle.  Its flame dissipates the negative energies.  If you can, let it burn down completely and toss any remaining bits in the trash.  If not, snuff it out.  Don’t blow it out, or you send those negative energies right back into your space.

You might also want to say a small prayer or mantra.  It does not have to be elaborate.  Something like,

With this broom, I banish negative energy from my space.  May only light and love reside here.”

Going Widdershins

When using the broom for magickal work, keep the bristles a little bit off the floor.  You want to sweep widdershins or counterclockwise since this direction undoes things and clears negative energy.  Open doors and windows to let the negative energy out. 

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If you are sweeping negative energy out of your home, start at the front door and move widdershins through your house, going counterclockwise in each room as you go.  Open windows and doors in every place you can.  Reach into corners and under beds and furniture. 

Some Interesting Facts from the Past

  • Laying a broom under a bed protects those that sleep upon it.
  • Lay a broomstick by the front door, and only visitors with good intentions will come to visit.
  • Store your broom with bristles up to ward off evil spirits.
  • In some handfastings, the couple jump over a broom to signify they are wed.
  • Never take your broom to a new home.  It will bring bad luck to your new home. New brooms bring harmony and good luck to your new home.

Do you use a besom or a broom?  Or grab whatever is close at hand?  I would love to hear from you.

Until we meet again,