As you read different books and blog posts or listen to various videos and podcasts, you will soon learn that all of magick boils down to one thing: INTENTION.  You can read books on crystals, spells, candle magic, moon magic, energy healing, chakra healing, tarot, and the list goes on.  No matter what the subject matter is, all of these sources point to one driving force: INTENTION.

Intention Sets the Stage for Magick

Magic is all about intention!  Your intent is how you convey your needs or wishes to the Universe.  It is your purpose, resolve, or determination to do something. It is your desire to create a specific outcome.  Do you need a red candle?  What about a rhyming spell?  Do I need enough crystals to create an intricate crystal grid?  Someone said I need this particular thing to cast a spell.  Do I need these things to be successful as a witch?  In a word, no.  It does not matter what tool you choose to help you focus; it is the intent with which you use it that really counts. 

If you are trying to make a change in your life, your intent drives whether you are successful or not.  For your intent to become a reality, the first thing you need to do is state your intent in simple language and state it in the present tense.  Some of you may have just said to yourself, “Present tense?  I am not in English class!”  However, stating your intent in the present tense is super important.   Present tense verbs state your present being, not what you want in the future.  The idea is to say your intent in the here and now.  “I am prosperous” versus “I will be prosperous.”

 Some of you may say, “But wait! I am not prosperous, yet.”  You will see people who promote  a growth mindset ending sentences with the word “yet.”  When you speak in the future using the word “yet,” you are saying that you do not believe that you are worthy of what your intent is until some later time.  The outcome you want will never occur if all of you focus your intent on the future.  You need to focus on the here and now.  You may have to work on what you say, but there are ways to make your future intention into your present one.

Let’s say you are trying to lose weight.  Saying “I am thin,” when you are not, would be unrealistic.  Instead, focus your determination on losing weight on those things which you can manifest now.  “I make healthy choices when eating.”  If you say that out loud to the Universe, or write it on a piece of paper you carry with you as a reminder, then you will begin to notice that slowly, you will make smarter food choices. 

Will it happen overnight?  No.  As you see your food choices becoming healthier, your intention can shift to something like, “I am an exerciser.”  You may never be “thin,” but making good choices about your health is far more critical in your life!  Besides, whoever decided what the “ideal” body shape was, definitely did not have a clue about real beauty.

Don’t forget; intent must include action.  When you speak of someone as having resolve or determination, do you use those words for people who never take any action?  I doubt it.  Likewise, you have to take action to make the intent become a reality.  If you intend to strengthen your relationship with your significant other, but you wait for that person to do something different, not much will happen to change that relationship.  Your intent should create a shift in your thoughts, which in turn should modify your actions.

Many sources will tell you that you need specific tools, particular colors of candles, or only a particular crystal will work.  You will also find other people who are much more practical and down to earth who will emphasize that what you use is not nearly as crucial as your intent.  If all you have is a scrap of paper, that piece of paper with your purpose scribbled on it can be far more powerful than someone with an elaborate altar with all the bells and whistles who never clearly communicates their hearts’ desire.  The difference always lies in the intent.


Some people use crystals in complex grids to push their intent out into the Universe.  Others use crystals or rocks sitting around their spaces to remind them to create peace and harmony in their lives.  Many carry little bags of crystals with them in their pockets or purses to act as gentle reminders.  You don’t need to use a crystal at all.  A rock you pick up while on a walk can have much more meaning, especially if you are thinking about solutions to some problem or issue you are having. 

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Do these rocks aid in those things?  Many people believe they do.  Whether they do or not, if we associate an amethyst with calm and it helps us to remember to take a deep breath, then the crystal has done its job. I love them and use them often in my magick practice.


Candles create a single point of light.  What a wonderful metaphor for focusing intent!  When watching the flame of a candle glow and flicker, the distractions of our lives fall away.  It becomes easier to state our intention to the Universe as we concentrate on the flame. 

I love candles and use them all the time! They are simple but meaningful to me. However, there are people to tell you that you need a candle of a particular color, that you need to go through a ritual of anointing the candle with oil, and that you need to scratch a word summarizing your intent onto the candle before lighting it to burn down.  There are even rituals for extinguishing the flame.  While it may be helpful to have a green candle to represent prosperity, it is not necessary to have a specific color. If you hold your intent in your heart and state it in the present, then the Universe will understand no matter the color of the candle.


Any internet search for “spells” provides many simple and some intricately written words to say to breathe life into your thoughts about a specific issue.  Want to bring love to your life, there are hundreds of spells for that.  Same for just about any subject, problem, or desire.  Some of those spells are beautifully written.  If those spells help you speak the intent you have, then use them.  But keep in mind, sometimes the simplest is best.  You could say a long poem-like spell to help you with a troubled relationship in your life, or you could simply say, “My relationship with ______ (name) is healing.”  Notice the present tense.  It is happening.  You are making it so.

Rituals and tools have their place.

Rituals and tools have their place.  I have a set of practices I go through when I need to focus on the big things in my life.  I employ colored candles, written and spoken intent, crystals, and whatever else feels right at the time.  All of those things are tools to help me state my intention and remind me to stay focused on the present manifestation of that intent.  Those things also act as reminders to take actions to bring my determination and resolve to fruition.

There are many different ways you can focus your intent.  Each of these has its merit, and it just depends on which ones feel right to you.  Remember, it isn’t about the tools, the big crystals, the perfect words, or the right color candle.  What matters the most is you and communicating your intent to the Universe. 

What is your intent, purpose, or resolve?  What tools will you use to help you manifest that desire?  What words will you use?  Will you speak those words, or write them down?  However, you choose to let the Universe know your intent, your resolve or determination followed by your actions is what matters the most.

Until we meet again,