When you wake up in the morning, do a million things you need to do hit you all at once?  Does your brain go into overload as you are trying to get the day started?  Then in the middle of all those thoughts, you think about how you wanted to incorporate your Witchy self into your day. What is a Witch to do?

How is being Witchy even going to fit into your busy schedule? 

This type of situation is where the tools of a Witch come to your aid and rescue.  We have many things at our disposal to help us focus our minds.  We can use spells and incantations, crystals, light candles to help us, call upon our deities, the Universe, or the Goddess and God.  We can work with the phases of the moon or use herbs to strengthen our resolve.

Weight Loss Example

Let’s say we want to lose weight.  It is a simple example, but it is one with which many of us can identify.  The typical morning brain would begin as we awoke. “I need to make a list for the grocery store.  I have to go to the pharmacy and pick up that medicine.  I forgot the baby shower is this weekend!  I have to get that gift order today!”

Then somewhere in the back of your mind, you hear a little voice that says, “Last night you promised yourself you would start trying to lose weight today.”  That is when your brain kicks into high gear.  “Why would I even try to start this?  I have to go to that baby shower, and there will be cake and all kinds of food.  I have to cook for the family.  I am not cooking two meals.”  And on, and on.  How do you stop this?

Training Your Brain

Now let’s look at that scenario again, but change it to a Witch’s voice.  You wake up, and the litany of things you need to do begins—the grocery store, the pharmacy, the gift.  You get to that part about the small reminder that you were going to start losing weight.  Now is your opportunity to let the Witch’s side of you kick in. 

As your brain begins to tell you all  the reasons why you can’t do something differently, stop yourself.  Think about all the tools you have at your disposal as a Witch to help you re-think things. 

Examples of Witchy Solutions

                *Before bed at night, set a piece of peridot beside you on the nightstand to remind you of the strength of perseverance.  Grab it and hold it for a few moments.  Ask yourself what you can do to start the process of losing weight.  You may find the first thing that happens is that your brain shifts the words to “being healthy.”

                *You want to go munch on those chips again.  Instead, get a glass of water and sit down at your computer.  Search the internet for weight loss spells.  Find one.  Use it.  There is great power in the spoken word.

                *Light an orange candle, the candle color for weight loss.  Put it close to where you tend to snack the most as a reminder that you are changing your thoughts about food.

                *Check out the phase of the moon.  If she is waxing, or growing bigger, think how your resolve to make the change is getting stronger every day.  If she is waning, or growing smaller, think about how each day as you make small changes, that like her, you will slowly, but surely remove old habits.

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                * Do some research on herbs to assist you in your weight loss.  Find some recipes which include those spices.  As you stir them into your healthy meal, stir them deosil, or clockwise as you say a small mantra to yourself such as, “With each bite, I chose my health.”

                * When you want to put that piece of chocolate in your mouth, call upon your deity, the Universe, or the Goddess, to re-focus on something else.  Put the chocolate down and walk away.

                * Make a mojo or charm bag to carry with you.  In it, you place a bit of orange peel and cinnamon well known in magic circles for aiding in weight loss.  You could add a piece of rose quartz to remind you of self-love because you deserve to take care of yourself.  You might also want to use that peridot to reinforce to you that you have the strength and perseverance to see this through.

                * Write down one thing you can do differently today.  Place it on your altar or carry it with you.  When you find yourself tempted with food, think about the words on your paper.  See if you can train your brain to think differently.

Of course, these examples are all for weight loss, but you can use these ideas for whatever it is you are trying to accomplish even though your brain keeps trying to sabotage you.  Hopefully, these simple examples show you ways you could utilize one Witchy thing to begin to change your thinking.  A quick internet search can help you find spells, crystals, colors, and more magical tools to help you obtain your goal.

Call Upon Your Powers as a Witch

Begin calling upon your powers as Witch to help you to re-train your brain to think and act differently.  When your mind begins its inevitable droning of why you can not do something,  drown out it out with that wonderful Witch’s voice of yours utilizing one of these tools to remind you that you can.

You may not be a total success all at once with whatever part of your life you are trying to change, but calling upon your tools as a Witch will help you to make small changes.  Make enough small ones, and you may find you have made a significant change. 

How do you use your Witchcraft to help you re-train your brain to think differently? Please share your ideas!

Until we meet again,