As a Witch, it is essential to hone your listening skills for messages from the Universe. You need to learn to gather information with all your senses.  This walking exercise will help you sharpen your abilities by reminding you to notice tiny details. Otherwise, you may miss the delicate signals the Universe sends to you.

Deliberate Practice

Deliberate practice is the art of practicing systematically and with thought and consideration.  That is what you are trying to accomplish with this Witch’s Walk. Instead of mindlessly going about your day, you are practicing focused attention.  Your objective is to improve your skills of awareness while listening to the signals the Universe is giving you.

Human brains are most active when they are young.  That is not news.  However, at that young age, everything is new and fascinating.  The little ones are connecting deeply to the Universe which surrounds them.  At some point, we begin to ignore the life around us. 

Improving your skills of listening to the Universe requires your attention and mindful effort. When is the last time you looked at the subtleties of the colors of the things within your daily world? Or noticed the smells and sounds you hear? As you take this walk, try to pay attention to everything around you as if it were the first time you ever saw it.  

It is time to take a Walk as a Witch

It does not matter where you do this, or how far you walk. The point of this exercise is not how far you walk but to pay attention to the world around you as you do. You can even do this inside your home.

Before you begin this exercise, take a moment to ground and center

Close your eyes and take a deep breath.  Feel the earth holding you, grounding you.  Let out your breath slowly. As you do, focus inward and be present in your moment.  If thoughts of kids, chores, work, or anything else enter your mind, tell yourself you will deal with those things in just a few minutes. Take two more cleansing breaths, open your eyes, and begin your walk.

Begin your walk

As you start your walk, feel how the earth supports and holds you with each step you take. Note where you place your feet and how the weight of your body rolls across your foot then shifts to the other.

Notice the colors of the world around you. Trees are not only brown but shades of grey and black. Flowers are not one color but many. Look at things you usually see as an eye-sore to look for any beauty within. If you are walking on a lane or city block, notice the vibrant yellow used in the street signs. If you are in your home for this walk, look at the items you have collected around you. What drew you to these things? Is there a color you notice in a painting or picture you have never seen before?

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Feel the wind on your face, even if it is only the slightest of breezes. Those of you doing this inside, feel how the air caresses your face as you move slowly through the rooms.

Look up. Do you see clouds or a clear sky? If you are inside, notice the way the shadows fall across your ceiling.

Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. If you have lost your sense of grounding, feel the weight of each step as the earth pulls you back to its embrace.

What do you hear? Are there birds chirping? If so, how many different calls can you identify? If there is a neighbor playing music that is irritating you, send peace and love their direction. Their music may be soothing their soul.

Take another deep breath, paying attention to the smells around you. Are there ones that are pleasant or pungent? Can you identify each scent as is wafts toward you?

We have spoken of four senses, smell, feel, hear, and see, but we have not talked of taste. Try tasting the air. Is there a taste to it? You may want to start the walk with a small piece of chocolate or peppermint in your mouth. Pay attention to the sensations it brings you.

Finishing the Walk

As you come to the end of your walk, stand still, and take one more deep breath. Take your mind back through what it has sensed along the path. Bring the details back to your consciousness and savor each discovery. Take a deep breath and thank the Universe for all the small blessings it affords you.

The Intention of this Walk

The intention of this walking exercise is not to get your heart rate up. In many aspects, it is the opposite.  You want to feel a deep calm and peace come over you as you connect deeply with the Universe.

Deliberate practice of noticing the details in your surroundings makes for excellent training in paying attention to the myriad of signs it sends your way when it is trying to send you a message. It will not take many of these types of exercises before you begin to notice the subtle messages the Universe sends your way.

To take a walk as a Witch is an exercise in grounding while paying close attention to the messages hidden within the details of the Universe. The Universe speaks to us from the mundane aspects of life. If you are not trying to notice the signs around you, then how will you ever know what the Universe is saying to you?

How do you practice connecting with the Universe? I would love to hear!

Until we meet again,