Witches don’t merely clean their house.  They turn the experience into one more opportunity to raise the magick in their homes.  They fill their tools with their intention and begin to clean away negative and stagnant energies they find lurking in the corners of their homes.

To add another layer to the magick of the moment, invite the Elements to join you in your cleaning processes.  You can easily represent each Element as you sweep, wipe, and dust, helping you to create an enchanted space for all who live in your home.

Bring in the Elements

By opening the windows and doors to your home, you not only allow a path for the negative energies to leave, but you also pave the way for the Element of Air to come into your home.  Air is the Element of knowledge and is associated with the cardinal direction, east.

Your mop bucket of water pays homage to the Element of Water and its healing properties. Water is the Element of emotion, and there is no stronger one than that of love.  Water is represented in the westward direction.

Light candles that you have filled with your magickal energies.  Light an orange chime candle enchanted with your intention for cleansing negative energies to honor Fire as you clean.  From the south comes the Element of Fire and its power to purify and transform.

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You represent the Element of Earth by adding salt to your mop water.  The salt helps to bring in grounding energies into your home.  When you look to the north, you look to the healing powers of the earth and the life forces it provides.

Powerful Acknowledgements

Acknowledging the Four Elements is a powerful way to heighten the magickal vibrations of your home while you clean.  The Elements work together to guide and protect you, take time to acknowledge their essential work in your life.

If you want more suggestions on magickally cleaning your home, check out Cleaning a Witch’s House.

How do you increase the magickal workings in your home as you clean?  Do you call on the Elements?  I would love to hear what you do!

Until we meet again,