Witches often look to the West and the element of Water for inspiration and comfort. Combine the two and you have a powerful set of allies in your magickal workings.

Many associate the cardinal direction to the west with the element of water.  It represents the power of emotions, maturity, and the waning of the moon.

Like emotions, Water can take on many forms.  It comes in great torrents of rain in a storm and can unleash its power in rivers and oceans.  Water can be cold and harsh, but it can also represent moments of calm and peace.  A gentle mist, a serene lake, or a babbling brook, all bring harmony to life.  Have you ever heard someone say, “Don’t get so emotional.”? Yet, there are times that one must embrace great emotion.  Love is the most powerful emotion, and it is worth our treasured attention. 

Looking west, especially at sunset, always brings the hope of magic.  At twilight, just after the sun has set, there is that deep indigo moment that holds the promise of enchantment in the night.  On nights where the moon rises and shines upon us mere mortals below, magic surrounds us and flows through us.  We can feel it coming as the sun sinks low on the western horizon.

If you want to embrace the West and the element of Water, you may want to surround yourself with small reminders. You could use Water placed in a beautiful cup or bowl. Sprinkle in a little salt to bring protection. You could use seashells, driftwood, or small stones you collected by the sea set about your space as small reminders that the element of Water is all around you.

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In some traditions, the crystal lapis lazuli represents the element of water, but one can also use lepidolite, blue tourmaline, sapphire, and sodalite.  The color blue is associated with water and thus also with the west.  If you do not have access to crystals, a blue ribbon, or seashell can remind you of the potential water holds for you.

You may find other representations for the Water and the westward direction.  Some people associate the West with autumn, while others associate water with the north.  It depends on what you need and how you feel it best suits you as which one you should choose to associate with each other.  Know that it may change.  One thing for sure about magic and the element of Water, there are very few absolutes.

What element do you associate with the West? How do you represent Water in your life?  Do you have other correspondences you use?  I would love to hear your ideas and why it is meaningful to you.

Until we meet again,