How many excuses do you give in a day to keep yourself from doing the things you want to do? 

You are too tired to go for a walk in nature.  You need to make cookies for your kid’s class instead of looking up the herb for that spell you want to perform.  You need to finish cleaning the house before you start that book you have been wanting to read on being a solitary witch. 

All of those things are obstacles we all put in our path to keep from being successful at whatever we endeavor to accomplish.

Sample Excuses Versus the Truth

Excuse 1:  You need that extra 30 minutes of sleep instead of spending time meditating at my altar.

Truth 1:  You stayed up an extra 45 minutes to an hour surfing Pinterest.  You could have gone to bed early so you could get up sooner.

Excuse 2:  You don’t have time to read up on the crystal, which might help you with your anxiety.

Truth 2:  You read six blogs and the news today.  You had time to search for blog post articles specifically on crystals aiding with anxiety.

Excuse 3: You can’t keep all those correspondences straight in your mind, so you skip bringing in colored candles, crystals, and herbs into your spell work.

Truth 3:  That is the thing for which you created your Book of Shadows!

You don’t need more examples, but why do we do this to ourselves

The simple answer is: It is easier to come up with an excuse than it is to do that which you desire to do—spending time in meditation, journaling your magic journey, performing that spell, doing a ritual, etc.

Where Do I Start?

Maybe there are so many things you have put in your path that it is overwhelming you and too much even to know where to begin.  There are kids and family and work, and the list goes on and on! 

Here Is an Idea for How to Get Started

For one day, pay attention to the time you spend doing the things that are time wasters.  My friend calls this junk food for the brain.  Do you find yourself aimlessly watching YouTube videos or checking out everyone’s latest Instagram post or Tweets?  Reading a book that isn’t that good to you, but it is the latest best-seller? 

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At the end of the day, take note of all the things you did on which you spent your precious time aimlessly not pursuing that which is most important to your Witchy self.  You may want to do this for two or three more days to see if there are other sneaky ways you are sabotaging yourself.

Now, what?

Now that you have identified some of those time wasters, it is hard not to notice them anymore.  It is now time to decide on one of them that you can eliminate and one thing with which you want to replace it. 

For one week, make an effort to pay attention to when you start wasting your time on the activity.  Then when you catch yourself, stop doing it.  Pause.  Think about the thing you want to do that is worth your time and effort and start doing it! 

This is not an easy challenge, and you will find yourself repeatedly doing the very thing you are trying not to do.  If you catch yourself doing that which you are trying to give up, see if you can switch it for what you want to replace it.

It is a hard thing to do to give up a bad habit, but if it leads you to a more intimate journey on your path as a Witch, would that not be worth the effort?

Are you trying to make space for the things worthy of your time? What hove you done to eliminate the junk food for your brain from your life?  With what did you replace it?  Were you able to keep it up for longer than a week?  I would love to hear what you changed and how it changed your life!

Until we meet again,