Tinkling chimes.  A fresh breeze.  Smoke from incense softly wafting your direction.  Pale yellow flowers.  These are all things associated with the Element of Air.  If you are starting to see and hear these things, maybe Air is trying to get your attention.  What does it mean if the element Air becomes more noticeable in your life?

Air is an invisible force.  We only recognize its existence when we see it move in the leaves on a tree or hear it on the wind.  However, we know it is there.  In some cultures, it is the essence of life.  Certain traditions associate it with the cardinal direction of the East, representing thought.  But what is Air trying to tell you when you begin to notice it all around you?

The Positive and Negative Side of the Element Air

First, think about all that Air represents.  Air is flexible.  Air moves.  It has many positive qualities, but also some negative ones.

On the positive side, Air represents flexibility, change, happiness, independence, communication, friendliness, truth, and knowledge.  Air signifies thought and encourages cooperation through communication.  It encourages open-mindedness, stimulated through travel.

On the negative side, Air indicates flightiness, inconsistency, unreliableness, and gossip.  It can point to absent-mindedness and an inability to focus.  In relationships, Air can point to insensitiveness, which can lead to problems within relationships, whether in one’s personal or work life.

How is Air Trying to Get Your Attention?

The element air may try to get your attention in several ways.  It may start with the colors white, pale yellow, silver, or sky blue.  Have you noticed these colors popping up in your life?  Do you normally not wear these colors, but find yourself dressing in these shades?

You may be hearing sounds you did not pay too much notice of in the past. You may find yourself drawn to wind chimes or the sound of a flute.  You may hear the sound of a tinkling bell.  Air may get your attention by making sounds on the wind saying to you, “Listen, I am trying to tell you something of importance.”

If you lay a spread for Tarot, are there swords or wands showing up a great deal?  Swords are a symbol of air, as are wands in some traditions, and are used by many to represent the element on their altar.  The sword or wand when slicing through Air, create a sound reminding you that although you cannot see it, Air is there and ever present.

There are times when air is subtle and gently caresses your face with a soft breeze that seems to come from nowhere.  When all else fails, Air may send a blowing storm to say, “Pay attention to what I am trying to tell you. Now!”

Now that Air has gotten your attention, what is it trying to say to you?

Now that Air has gotten your attention, what is it trying to say to you?  The biggest thing that Air represents is change.   If Air is getting your attention, could it be that you are not taking note of some of the things happening in your life?  Is there a move about to occur which will take you in a different direction, literally or figuratively speaking?  Air may be showing up to warn you of some aspect of your life of which you need to be cautious.

Some Possible Cautions Air May Be Showing You

  • Are there changes on the horizon? Air may be trying to prepare you for things about to change.
  • If you are dealing with a contract or agreement, Air may be telling you to be cautious and think through what you are about to sign.
  • Do you need to be more flexible in how you are living your life?
  • Air thinks in “big pictures.” Are you paying too close attention to details and losing sight of the overarching reasons for doing what you are doing?
  • Air is the element of thought. If Air is finding you, is it telling you that you are not utilizing your knowledge or that you need more information before making a decision?
  • Is there a person you know who tends toward gossip and overly talkative? Is that person you?  You may need to avoid that person or be careful in what you say.
  • Air could be telling you that the time is right for opening up a line of communication with someone.
  • Maybe, it is just a pretty day, and Air is reminding you to enjoy it!

Ways to Remind Yourself of Air

The same things that Air may have used to get your attention are the same things you can use to remind yourself of the power of Air.

  • Place crystals such as citrine, clear quartz, aventurine, and turquoise in your space
  • Hang a wind chime someplace where the wind can catch it
  • Cook with marjoram, oregano, mint, or nutmeg, the spices of Air
  • Place a feather, wand or sword, or fan on your altar
  • Wear a pale yellow or white shirt
  • Place butterfly, dragonfly, or bird stakes in your plants
  • Attract the butterflies, dragonflies, and birds with plants they like and bird feeders
  • Light yellow or white candles
  • Look up at fluffy white clouds being moved along on the currents of Air

We cannot survive as humans without breathing, and thus, we are all inextricably linked to the element Air.  As intricate as Air is and as important as it is to our lives, maybe Air is simply trying to get you to take a deep breath, slow down, and enjoy a moment in your life.

Until we meet again,